Benefits Of Using a Post Protector For Decks And Fences
The end grain happens to be the most vulnerable part of the fence posts because this is the part that is most likely to be exposed to the elements and the moisture. This exposed part of the deck or fence is going to absorb more moisture compared to any of the other part of the post. Ultimately, such continuous moisture absorption will lead to issues like mildew, mold, and moss growth. So, without the use of a post protector , your posts will start rotting in no time. The other weather element that can equally complicate things is the fact that the post tops are continuously exposed to the sun and the wind that causes the natural element like wood to dry out and start getting cracks. As the cracks start developing all over the surface of the post, the aesthetic value is not the only thing ruined. The structural integrity of the posts is also compromised. Thus, post caps are necessary as they do not just act as the way to offer protection to your posts, but also presen...